The DCLX Weight Skate XL is a durable and portable weight skate trolley designed to hold up to 24 weights. Easy loading and safe, making the transportation of weights almost effortless.
- Up to 24 weights
- PAL Label mount
- Easy loading
- Safe transportation
- Engineered to last
Call DCLX™ today!
020 8819 8527

XL20 Weight Skate
holds 12 x 20kg Weights
please enquire
Meat Rack
The Meat Rack is a convenient and handy lighting rack designed and manufactured by DCLX. They are designed to fit inside the wheel arches of a long wheelbase van. Smart, portable and designed for easy loading and space saving with custom branded metal fabrication.
- 28 x Source 4 profiles
- Moving lights, cabling and distro when used with our “strong arm” accessory.
- Made to fit inside the wheel arches of long wheelbase van
- Easy loading & space saving
- Engineered to last
Call DCLX™ today!
020 8819 8527

Custom Options Available
If you’d like to learn more or enquire about our products, simply contact us for further details.